首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 新贵第一季第05集


马特·利普西 大卫·米切尔,丽莎·塔巴克,保拉·威尔科克斯,海伦·蒙克斯,哈里·恩菲尔德,杰玛·韦兰,蒂姆·唐尼,马克·希普,多米尼克·科尔曼,史蒂夫·斯皮尔斯 美国剧 英国 2016
{if:"好想找剧本来看啊!以下台词转自:http://wanderingbakya.com/upstart-crow-season-1-wherefore-art-thou-shakespeare/William Shakespeare Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1 (and what they mean): “The two tunnels that lie beneath the bridge be blocked. “ – William Shakespeare, when he means “snotted nose”.“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Why are you Romeo?”“Leaping amphibian caught in the ruby pipe which starts with a swallow but knows not of birds.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Have you got frog in your throat?”“We unleash the most parasitic creature in Christendom.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “the English posh boy”.“If you write a play, I fear it would be like that which stinks but be not fish, fertilizes plants but be not compost, and is the last stage of the digestive process but be not a glass of port in a pipe of tobacco.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “crap”.“And so am I like the fulsome cleavage of a buxom saucy wench.” William Shakespeare, when he means “much looked down upon”.“It won’t stay in that which supports a hat but be not a hook, has a crown but be not a king, and is fringe with hair but be not my balling brooks.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “earlobe”.“You be that which though it have tits have no breasts, and though it have balls be not a game of tennis.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “man”.Other Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1: “Love is the angry thorn upon the false rose, and I, am a prick.” – Florian Greene“Where she breathes, flowers bloom. Where she sings, pixies dance. Her most billowingly flatulent fartle barfle be sweetly scented than all the perfumes of Arabia.” – Florian Greene“I always think that a sentence sounds better if you mix up the words of it. It’s one of my best tricks.” – William Shakespeare (David Mitchell)“As a dramatist, I take the view that a fat man with an ax saying, “Close your eyes, love” Thwack isn’t quite as compelling theater as Frigid Liz bitchslapping her cutesome Caledonian cals, Mary, in a bit of queen on queen action.” – William Shakespeare“You can’t be an actor, you’re a girl. Where will you put the coconuts?” – William Shakespeare“Clever girl is an ugly girl, Kate.” – Christopher Marlowe (Tim Downie)“Your name is like a cold sore. It’s one everybody’s lips.” – William Shakespeare to Christopher Marlowe“I must hasten to insert my nose between the set of the next royal buttocks before other oily courtiers fill the gap.” – Robert Greene (Mark Greene)“Getting a bad review is much worse than getting the plague, because at least with the plague, the person who gave it to you dies.” – William Shakespeare to Bottom“The noble peacock does not hang his head. He displays his bumshanks with magnificent feathery plumes.” – Christopher Marlowe to William Shakespeare after the latter receives a bad review.“If I turn up in form-fitting tights, everyone will see I’ve got balls.” – William Shakespeare“What is a potato but a starchy tuber? What is tobacco but a dried weed? What is a corn cob but a big yellow bubbly dildo?” – William Shakespeare"<>""}好想找剧本来看啊!以下台词转自:http://wanderingbakya.com/upstart-crow-season-1-wherefore-art-thou-shakespeare/William Shakespeare Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1 (and what they mean): “The two tunnels that lie beneath the bridge be blocked. “ – William Shakespeare, when he means “snotted nose”.“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Why are you Romeo?”“Leaping amphibian caught in the ruby pipe which starts with a swallow but knows not of birds.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Have you got frog in your throat?”“We unleash the most parasitic creature in Christendom.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “the English posh boy”.“If you write a play, I fear it would be like that which stinks but be not fish, fertilizes plants but be not compost, and is the last stage of the digestive process but be not a glass of port in a pipe of tobacco.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “crap”.“And so am I like the fulsome cleavage of a buxom saucy wench.” William Shakespeare, when he means “much looked down upon”.“It won’t stay in that which supports a hat but be not a hook, has a crown but be not a king, and is fringe with hair but be not my balling brooks.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “earlobe”.“You be that which though it have tits have no breasts, and though it have balls be not a game of tennis.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “man”.Other Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1: “Love is the angry thorn upon the false rose, and I, am a prick.” – Florian Greene“Where she breathes, flowers bloom. Where she sings, pixies dance. Her most billowingly flatulent fartle barfle be sweetly scented than all the perfumes of Arabia.” – Florian Greene“I always think that a sentence sounds better if you mix up the words of it. It’s one of my best tricks.” – William Shakespeare (David Mitchell)“As a dramatist, I take the view that a fat man with an ax saying, “Close your eyes, love” Thwack isn’t quite as compelling theater as Frigid Liz bitchslapping her cutesome Caledonian cals, Mary, in a bit of queen on queen action.” – William Shakespeare“You can’t be an actor, you’re a girl. Where will you put the coconuts?” – William Shakespeare“Clever girl is an ugly girl, Kate.” – Christopher Marlowe (Tim Downie)“Your name is like a cold sore. It’s one everybody’s lips.” – William Shakespeare to Christopher Marlowe“I must hasten to insert my nose between the set of the next royal buttocks before other oily courtiers fill the gap.” – Robert Greene (Mark Greene)“Getting a bad review is much worse than getting the plague, because at least with the plague, the person who gave it to you dies.” – William Shakespeare to Bottom“The noble peacock does not hang his head. He displays his bumshanks with magnificent feathery plumes.” – Christopher Marlowe to William Shakespeare after the latter receives a bad review.“If I turn up in form-fitting tights, everyone will see I’ve got balls.” – William Shakespeare“What is a potato but a starchy tuber? What is tobacco but a dried weed? What is a corn cob but a big yellow bubbly dildo?” – William Shakespeare{else}{end if}
