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查理·莱特林 詹姆斯·柯登,史蒂夫·青木,路易斯·汤姆林斯,艾萨克·安德森,迈克尔·布莱克威尔 纪录片 英国 2023

I'm just so glad that you finally said "I deserve this" by yourself. You definitely deserve this, and you deserve fucking more. I'm so happy that I could be part of your second word tour when you are so clear what you want and what you have created. I felt excited thingking I will go and see you for a couple more days. It's moving to see you gave so much shots to the fans and I could feel exactly the same when watching them crying and shouting. I know how much you meant to them same as how much you meant to me. As one of your fans, I feel like a part of this big family. And I feel proud. Thank you, for everything."<>""}

I'm just so glad that you finally said "I deserve this" by yourself. You definitely deserve this, and you deserve fucking more. I'm so happy that I could be part of your second word tour when you are so clear what you want and what you have created. I felt excited thingking I will go and see you for a couple more days. It's moving to see you gave so much shots to the fans and I could feel exactly the same when watching them crying and shouting. I know how much you meant to them same as how much you meant to me. As one of your fans, I feel like a part of this big family. And I feel proud. Thank you, for everything.{else}所有这些声音以令人耳目一新的原始和真实的方式审视路易斯·汤姆林森的音乐之旅。这部电影摒弃了名人纪录片典型的光鲜亮丽,为观众提供了路易斯生活和职业生涯的亲密而真实的视角。通过前所未见的家庭电影片段和路易斯2022年售罄的世界巡回演唱会的幕后花絮,《所有这些声音》以独特的视角展示了当今快节奏世界中作为音乐家的感受。从超级巨星的巅峰到个人悲剧的低谷,路易斯的故事充满了韧性和决心。这部电影探索了他从OneDirection成员到独奏艺术家的旅程,捕捉了他的道路上的挑战和胜利。这部电影还展示了路易斯的另一面,这是粉丝们以前从未见过的,因为他努力应对名誉的压力和自己声音的重量.《所有这些声音》由屡获殊荣的电影制片人查理·莱特宁(CharlieLightening)执导,讲述了自我发现的力量以及忠于自我所需的勇气的故事。这部电影以诚实和脆弱为主题,以令人耳目一新的脚踏实地的方式呈现了一位音乐家的生活,捕捉了一个拒绝因别人的期望而沉默的人在现实生活中的挣扎和胜利。{end if}
