首页 » 经典片 » 我的爱情遗忘在秋天HD


奥利维耶阿萨亚 蒂厄阿马尔里克,维尔日妮勒杜瓦扬,弗朗索瓦克吕泽,让娜巴利巴 经典片 法国 1998
{if:"这是我很喜欢的一类法国电影,情节简单, 但真实亲切, 情感真挚.Late August, Early September 就是一个很好的例子. Thirty-Something 的友谊现实爱情.More people die of heartbroken。爱情和绝症并不老套, 天天都在发生, 没有爱情就是最可怕的病,这里是一些影评:"It is in the thirties we want friends," F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote. "In the forties, we know that they can’t save us any more than love did." This beautifully orchestrated French film directed by Olivier Assayas provides a thought-provoking and engaging meditation upon this truth."Idealism gives way to compromise for a group of frustrated friends in Olivier Assayas’ modest yet moving new film."In "Late August, Early September," the characters are constantly tempted by both bitterness and guilt. Assayas understands those temptations, but he doesn’t give in to them. The cautious hopefulness of the film lies in the characters’ realization that there is a life to be lived -- a good life -- beyond the compromises we are all forced to make."<>""}这是我很喜欢的一类法国电影,情节简单, 但真实亲切, 情感真挚.Late August, Early September 就是一个很好的例子. Thirty-Something 的友谊现实爱情.More people die of heartbroken。爱情和绝症并不老套, 天天都在发生, 没有爱情就是最可怕的病,这里是一些影评:"It is in the thirties we want friends," F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote. "In the forties, we know that they can’t save us any more than love did." This beautifully orchestrated French film directed by Olivier Assayas provides a thought-provoking and engaging meditation upon this truth."Idealism gives way to compromise for a group of frustrated friends in Olivier Assayas’ modest yet moving new film."In "Late August, Early September," the characters are constantly tempted by both bitterness and guilt. Assayas understands those temptations, but he doesn’t give in to them. The cautious hopefulness of the film lies in the characters’ realization that there is a life to be lived -- a good life -- beyond the compromises we are all forced to make.{else}加布里埃尔Gabriel(马蒂厄阿马尔里克饰)徘徊在两个女人之间,前任女友热妮Jenny(让娜巴利巴尔饰)以及现任女友安娜Anne(维尔日妮勒杜瓦扬饰),热妮成熟性感、安娜年轻迷人,前者代表美好的旧日时光,后者热情却任性,加布里埃尔犹豫两者之间无法抉择。除了爱情,工作同样使他困惑,加布里埃尔在出版社担任编辑,却又怀念以前自由创作的日子。这一切的矛盾直到罹患绝症的好友阿德里安Adrien(弗朗索瓦克吕泽饰)忽然去世,加布里埃尔重新审视阿德里安短暂的人生时才幡然醒悟。阿德里安出版过四部小说,却在死后才获得文坛肯定,感情方面也同样徘徊在新旧两任女友的爱情边缘,终身寻觅至爱却不料猝死。阿德里安短暂的人生、以及生命中不可挽回的遗憾都令加布里埃尔震惊,他重新看待自己的人生,在一切混沌中找到真正的出口。{end if}
