首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 爱情二三事第一季第01集


迪恩·霍兰德 吉莉安·雅各布斯,保罗·鲁斯特 美国剧 美国 2016

第一次知道这部剧是某任男友推荐,他觉得我有些NPD倾向,说我可能会喜欢看这部剧,由于当时有抵触心理 ,所以看的时候没有想过他是在影射我。后来每次分手都会重新看一遍,每次都会发现更多细节。目前的感觉是NPD的世界里真的只有自己,人生剧本中的故事线只有一条,无法体会别人的感受,所以无法意识到自己伤害或间接的利用善良的朋友和伴侣。身边的人会一个个失望的离开,然后NPD最后还会觉得自己是受害者。 怎么说呢?就是自作孽不可活,Krama is a bitch。 自己曾经如何对待别人,未来的某一天就会有一个人施加一个完全一样的反作用力给自己,总会轮到自己品尝恶果的。 但是无论失败多少次都不能放弃自己,要继续努力学习好好做人。


1. 夸大自我重要性,例如夸大自己的才华并期待被人看重; 2. 永远专注于成功、权力、美貌、或是理想爱情等幻想中; 3. 认为自己独特,仅能被其他特殊人物或高位者所认可并与之相关联; 4. 需要过度的称赞; 5. 不合理的认为自己有特殊权力或获得他人无条件顺从; 6. 处理人际关系时显得自私,好以占便宜来满足自己的利益需求; 7. 缺乏同理心︰不愿意认同和感受他人的情感需求; 8. 常嫉妒别人或认为别人嫉妒他; 9. 常有傲慢行为或态度,显得自高自大。 10. 自恋型人格障碍的患者可能强烈羡慕某些族群,并渴望成为同类人,因而伪装成对方,期待获得等同的羡慕。

女主还参加了 Sex & Love addiction 的互助会,这里也列举下病症

Characteristics of a Sex AddictEngaging with multiple sexual partnersNeeding more sexual activity or more extreme forms to feel the same pleasureEngaging in risky sexual behaviorTrying to stop but being unable toNeglecting personal and financial responsibilities in favor of sexual activityObsessively Thinking about sexBeing unable to be intimate with a partner because it does not produce the desired level of pleasure or induces feelings of guiltContinuing to engage in sexual activity despite it causing problems at home or in other areas of the sufferer’s life.

Characteristics of a love addict Feeling a constant need to be in a relationshipCommitting to and falling in love with a partner without really knowing themConstantly moving from one relationship to another in search of loveNever feeling satisfied within a relationshipBecoming obsessed with and overly reliant on a partnerStaying in an abusive relationship for the sake of being in a relationshipSuffering from severe depression and destructive behaviors after breaking up with a partnerMaking personal sacrifices in order to please a partnerNeglecting their own needs and needs of family in order to be with a partnerIsolating from friends, neglecting personal responsibilities and finances when with a partnerBeing jealous and possessive when a partner talks to or spends time with other people.

Causes of a Sex or Love AddictionFamily history–Sex and love addictions can be learned behaviors, and if a child is brought up in a home where one partner is a love addict, that child may go on to believe that this behavior is normal and so continue the cycle.Hormones–Some individuals have higher hormone levels than others; this can affect their sex drive. Those with high levels of sex hormones may be compelled to engage in excessive sexual activity, as all they can think about is sex and seeking gratification.Traumatic experiences– Those who have suffered emotional, physical, or sexual abuse in childhood or during their first encounters with relationships, may be more prone to developing a sex or love addiction. Their traumatic experience(s) is all they have to go on in terms of what a relationship should look like. Low self-esteem and self-worth can drive the individual to seek out love and sex in the wrong places and with the wrong people.Previous bad relationship–Individuals who have suffered previously in a bad relationship in the past, may feel unworthy or obsessed with the idea of being in love. They may seek out numerous relationships, desperate to feel loved; or they may stay too long in unloving and unkind relationships, feeling that is all they deserve. By carrying the baggage of their past bad experience(s) they will struggle to form healthy relationships with others.



第一次知道这部剧是某任男友推荐,他觉得我有些NPD倾向,说我可能会喜欢看这部剧,由于当时有抵触心理 ,所以看的时候没有想过他是在影射我。后来每次分手都会重新看一遍,每次都会发现更多细节。目前的感觉是NPD的世界里真的只有自己,人生剧本中的故事线只有一条,无法体会别人的感受,所以无法意识到自己伤害或间接的利用善良的朋友和伴侣。身边的人会一个个失望的离开,然后NPD最后还会觉得自己是受害者。 怎么说呢?就是自作孽不可活,Krama is a bitch。 自己曾经如何对待别人,未来的某一天就会有一个人施加一个完全一样的反作用力给自己,总会轮到自己品尝恶果的。 但是无论失败多少次都不能放弃自己,要继续努力学习好好做人。


1. 夸大自我重要性,例如夸大自己的才华并期待被人看重; 2. 永远专注于成功、权力、美貌、或是理想爱情等幻想中; 3. 认为自己独特,仅能被其他特殊人物或高位者所认可并与之相关联; 4. 需要过度的称赞; 5. 不合理的认为自己有特殊权力或获得他人无条件顺从; 6. 处理人际关系时显得自私,好以占便宜来满足自己的利益需求; 7. 缺乏同理心︰不愿意认同和感受他人的情感需求; 8. 常嫉妒别人或认为别人嫉妒他; 9. 常有傲慢行为或态度,显得自高自大。 10. 自恋型人格障碍的患者可能强烈羡慕某些族群,并渴望成为同类人,因而伪装成对方,期待获得等同的羡慕。

女主还参加了 Sex & Love addiction 的互助会,这里也列举下病症

Characteristics of a Sex AddictEngaging with multiple sexual partnersNeeding more sexual activity or more extreme forms to feel the same pleasureEngaging in risky sexual behaviorTrying to stop but being unable toNeglecting personal and financial responsibilities in favor of sexual activityObsessively Thinking about sexBeing unable to be intimate with a partner because it does not produce the desired level of pleasure or induces feelings of guiltContinuing to engage in sexual activity despite it causing problems at home or in other areas of the sufferer’s life.

Characteristics of a love addict Feeling a constant need to be in a relationshipCommitting to and falling in love with a partner without really knowing themConstantly moving from one relationship to another in search of loveNever feeling satisfied within a relationshipBecoming obsessed with and overly reliant on a partnerStaying in an abusive relationship for the sake of being in a relationshipSuffering from severe depression and destructive behaviors after breaking up with a partnerMaking personal sacrifices in order to please a partnerNeglecting their own needs and needs of family in order to be with a partnerIsolating from friends, neglecting personal responsibilities and finances when with a partnerBeing jealous and possessive when a partner talks to or spends time with other people.

Causes of a Sex or Love AddictionFamily history–Sex and love addictions can be learned behaviors, and if a child is brought up in a home where one partner is a love addict, that child may go on to believe that this behavior is normal and so continue the cycle.Hormones–Some individuals have higher hormone levels than others; this can affect their sex drive. Those with high levels of sex hormones may be compelled to engage in excessive sexual activity, as all they can think about is sex and seeking gratification.Traumatic experiences– Those who have suffered emotional, physical, or sexual abuse in childhood or during their first encounters with relationships, may be more prone to developing a sex or love addiction. Their traumatic experience(s) is all they have to go on in terms of what a relationship should look like. Low self-esteem and self-worth can drive the individual to seek out love and sex in the wrong places and with the wrong people.Previous bad relationship–Individuals who have suffered previously in a bad relationship in the past, may feel unworthy or obsessed with the idea of being in love. They may seek out numerous relationships, desperate to feel loved; or they may stay too long in unloving and unkind relationships, feeling that is all they deserve. By carrying the baggage of their past bad experience(s) they will struggle to form healthy relationships with others.


{else}由贾德·阿帕图出品的 Netflix 喜剧《爱》,第一季共 10 集,计划于 2 月 19 日在平台上一次性发布。同时,发布了第一支预告片。该剧已经预定了第二季,预计2017年播出12集。主要讲述了缺乏热情的洛杉矶女人遇到了一个宅男,然后两人同时明白了什么是爱情。{end if}
