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DanSnow DanSnow 美国剧 英国 2014

Vocabulary 20220323

rag-tag n. a group of disorganized people

…diary chart sth. chart v. =record

profiteer v. make huge amount of profit unfairly

nepotism v. give job to family members unfairly

drug running = selling drug n. drug runner

famish v. feel hungry famishing wretches

wretch n. someone that you feel sorry for

offal of the camp offal n. inside parts of an animal

camp n. a group of people/soldiers

repose v. lay down, put

contented a. feel satisfied because life is good

perilous a. dangerous

felicity n. happiness

damsel n. young unmarried woman

unlikely spot

height of fashion height of sth. = peak

lusty = strong and healthy

boat capsize (turn over)

be inundated = flooded by too many sth.

scorching hot = extremely

establish a foothold = starting point

handloom cloth

motley = a group of people/things that are very different from each other

hit the jackpot

clove n. 丁香 black spice

springboard for doing sth

fortify v. strengthen


skirmish fight

obliterate destroy completely

bustling city

a cavalcade

colorfast a. not losing color when it is washed

coarse = hard


testimony to sth.

patchwork of


ingratiate yourself




microbe n. extremely tiny living thing


dark twin of success twin n. to describe sth happen together

rake in the cash

put paid to sth.


quintessential = typical

mental deformity

infatuation strong feeling of love



irascible bad-tempered

magistrate = judge

fling open


pitch dark

what is not in question is that…


military might

follow suit

go on a spending spree on a -ing spree


lavish palazzo lavish a. generous

destitute = poor

a salutary lesson on sth

opulent city = very rich

in tatters

credit crunch = credit crisis


Vocabulary 20220323

rag-tag n. a group of disorganized people

…diary chart sth. chart v. =record

profiteer v. make huge amount of profit unfairly

nepotism v. give job to family members unfairly

drug running = selling drug n. drug runner

famish v. feel hungry famishing wretches

wretch n. someone that you feel sorry for

offal of the camp offal n. inside parts of an animal

camp n. a group of people/soldiers

repose v. lay down, put

contented a. feel satisfied because life is good

perilous a. dangerous

felicity n. happiness

damsel n. young unmarried woman

unlikely spot

height of fashion height of sth. = peak

lusty = strong and healthy

boat capsize (turn over)

be inundated = flooded by too many sth.

scorching hot = extremely

establish a foothold = starting point

handloom cloth

motley = a group of people/things that are very different from each other

hit the jackpot

clove n. 丁香 black spice

springboard for doing sth

fortify v. strengthen


skirmish fight

obliterate destroy completely

bustling city

a cavalcade

colorfast a. not losing color when it is washed

coarse = hard


testimony to sth.

patchwork of


ingratiate yourself




microbe n. extremely tiny living thing


dark twin of success twin n. to describe sth happen together

rake in the cash

put paid to sth.


quintessential = typical

mental deformity

infatuation strong feeling of love



irascible bad-tempered

magistrate = judge

fling open


pitch dark

what is not in question is that…


military might

follow suit

go on a spending spree on a -ing spree


lavish palazzo lavish a. generous

destitute = poor

a salutary lesson on sth

opulent city = very rich

in tatters

credit crunch = credit crisis

kickback{else}丹·斯诺(DanSnow)跟随公司的足迹穿越印度,这家公司彻底改变了英国人的生活方式,并为当今的全球贸易体系奠定了基础。{end if}
