首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 恶搞之家第八季第05集


SethMacFarlane H.JonBenjamin,AlexBorstein 美国剧 美国 2009

I think the funniest part might be the subtitles crewn at the beginning of the movie, OK let me copy it down:It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden But you know this story.What you may not know is that 20th Century Fox had so little faith in the "Star Wars" franchise that George Lucas keep all the merchandising rights.Are you listening stockholders? How can you invest in a company that makes such short-sighted decisions? I mean, this the same company that canceled "Family Guy" twice. Who's running that joint? Monkeys? I mean, if they're gonna be foolish with their money, then I guess that means we can be foolish with their money, too. Like spending a bunch of it to animate a computer-generate cartoon elephant that has nothing to do with the rest of the episode.Did you see that? Know what that cost? $58,000. I mean, what waste. It wasn't even that funny. That's $58,000 that could have gone to curing leukemia. Or muscular dystrophy. Or... what does Michael J. Fox have? That. Alright, let's watch some goddamn cartoons. Of course I don't copy it down and just make it a blog, I like it because I think it is much more funny than the rest of the movie. As a senior Star Wars fan, you may not be impressed by the plot, but these words were really fascinating.
